ReBlogging Breaking Raw Milk News

Friday, March 01, 2013

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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The failed arguments of raw milk opponents

The process of cooking raw milk makes it less digestible. It promotes constipation, sinus congestion and digestive disorders. That’s because heat destroys the lactase enzymes, present in raw milk, which help digest lactose. If you destroy the lactase enzymes, you can’t properly digest the lactose. Symptoms of this can get you labeled “lactose intolerant” when, in reality, you’re just drinking cooked milk that’s been nutritionally destroyed.

The idea that government tries to protect the people is hogwash. The entire argument against raw milk is nothing more than a monopolistic power grab by the conventional dairy industry. “Big dairy” is the force that’s actually behind the criminalization of raw milk. It’s no different than the AMA trying to destroy alternative medicine… or Big Pharma trying to discredit holistic herbal therapies. It’s always about a monopoly, and right now there’s a huge monopoly in the dairy industry.

Sterilizing all your food does not make you a healthier person

Sterile food is not necessarily healthy food! Killing everything in the food may minimize the risk of some bacteria, but it also kills the very things that make food nutritious. But since nearly all the popular food sold across America is already dead, I suppose people don’t even recognize real food when they see it anymore. Real food isn’t pasteurized, and it’s not risk-free.

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